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Door County Concerto (2021)

for clarinet, horn and strings

composed July-August 2021

commissioned by Midsummer's Music

14 minutes

Premiere: Midsummer's Music - August 26-29, 2021


Program note:

For years, I’ve heard nothing but magical stories about Door County and the activities that take place there, especially during the summer (courtesy of two of my mentors, who have played in the Peninsula Music Festival for many years). This work is a sort of portrait of the place, that puts in perspective the different types of goings on one may encounter. The first movement is a lively look at the busyness of day activities. The second movement describes the mystical atmosphere of night at Jorns' Sugar Bush, in which syrup dripping into buckets at different times creates a sort of musical kind of sounds. Finally in the third movement, we witness a beautiful and picturesque sunrise, which is another memorable thing that Door County is known for.

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